Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sexy Boba Fett

Give us your opinion:
Pandering, or legitimate love of Star Wars?

Recording Tonight!

Hello all! We'll be recording a new episode of Inflated Egos tonight. Feel free to tweet me questions between 9pm and 12pm if you want them read during the podcast. :) We'll be talking about Dragon Age II, Oldies but Goodies video games, Thor's Hollywood Premiere and the PSN hack, among other current events. My twitter is @saz_bby and our new member, Jamie's is @RealJamieWatt . Look out, ladies, he's got an accent. *swoon*

Friday, April 29, 2011

Episode 1

Until further notice, listen to the podcast here on our podbean. :) IT ACTUALLY WORKS! Here's the URL if the link doesn't work: http://inflatedegos.podbean.com/

Thanks for your patience

How's it Goin'?

Hey all!
Sarah here. Just thought I would drop a line and let you know that I am working diligently at getting the podcast up and I sincerely apologize that it is taking so long. I am not the smartest person when it comes to more complicated computer...stuff. ANYWAY! I thought I would post a couple videos so you're ready. Here are the videos we're talkin' about!!!

And if you're in the market for some awesome comic readin' check out my personal blog for my review of Footprints #1. www.bobombshellcreation.blogspot.com

Alright. Talk to you cats on the flip side.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Podcast that Lives in its Mother's Basement...

Hello World Wide Web! My name is Sarah, co-host of the amazing new podcast, Inflated Egos. We tell you what opinions to have, in case you were too lazy to come up with them yourself.

Really though, we're a couple of nerds who love all things geek culture and decided to have some fun, and get a little creative. Hence, Inflated Egos was born. I think the idea came about when Gary and I were insulting each other while driving to the bar. So you know it's going to be awesome, because alcohol was involved in its conception, just like many great people I know.

We're not doing this for money or fame, we're just doing it because we want to. We'd love any feedback you guys have. Our plan is to have a listener mail segment just as soon as we get listener mail. As for other features and exciting things, we'll just have to see where this podcast goes. Oh, and we will have special guests! So that's pretty exciting.

Basically, we just hope you enjoy listening and maybe get a little giggle out of it. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and check us out.
